
cropped-Logo-OES1.jpgThe Name of the Society: The Divine Word Educational Society

The Registered Office
The registered office of the Society shall be situated at St. Paul’s School, Hamirpur, P.O. Rourkela-3, Dist. Sundargarh, Odisha

The objects of the Society
The Society is established by the Religious Congregation, The Society of the Divine Word, belonging to the minority Christian Community.

The objects for which the Society is established are

  1. To disseminate and promote education of the highest standard, especially for the development and growth of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other weaker sections of the community;
  2. To undertake all things necessary for education, the pursuit of science and the general diffusion of social, moral, religious and secular knowledge among the people without any discrimination of caste, creed, community and preferably for the benefits of the Catholic Christian Community;
  3. To establish, conduct, manage, maintain, equip, administer, close down or dispose of educational institutions, hostels, libraries, recreational centers, non formal education centers, special institutions for the physically and mentally handicapped, cultural and heritage centers, museums and other educational, scientific, technical and charitable institutions, works, amenities and activities without any profit motive.
  4. To take over, own and administer educational institutions and hostels owned or administered by the Society of the Divine Word, Jharsuguda or any other institution, trust or society with similar objects;

Various units of the Society:

  • St. Paul’s School, Hamirpur, Rourkela
  • St. Paul’s Bus Account, Hamirpur, Rourkela
  • St. Arnold’s School, Jhartarang, Rourkela
  • St. Arnold’s Bus Account, Jhartarang, Rourkela
  • St. Arnold’s Centre of Excellence, (Hostel) Jhartarang
  • St. Lawrence’s School, Tentoloi
  • St. Arnold’s School, Kalinga Vihar, Bhubaneswar
  • Plus Two College, Babudhi
  • Naba Jyoti High School, Kerjenga
  • St. Arnold’s School, Sambalpur